Hi guys, it’s been a while since I posted, sorry for being MIA, I’ve been very busy! I hope everyone is going well, I am. Thank you to everybody asking and supporting. I plan to update this website on a regular basis again, lots of things have changed since I last posted. And lots of Mackenzie Rosman news to tell you all as well. Mackenzie has ventured out to chase her dreams of competing in a huge important hunt cup for showjumping, more about this soon. I’ll edit this post this weekend to update everybody on all the happenings. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: on Mackenzie’s Personal Official Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: Mack_Smack
Instagram: mackrosman, formerly mackadeeznuts
This might sound crazy, but ‘mackadeeznuts’ use to be Mackenzie’s real Instagram.. BUT since just recently, Mackenzie was able to ACQUIRE the ‘mackrosman’ one (which USE TO BE fake… but isn’t now, I’ll explain..), Instagram was able to turn Mackenzie’s ‘mackadeeznuts’ account into the ‘mackrosman’ one and what is now Mackenzie’s official Instagram. Basically… Mackenzie Rosman was able to work with Instagram in acquiring that other account (as it had so many of her fans following already & was well known, by media, fans, etc), and so it made perfect sense to keep it & run it as that name. We are still working on getting that account VERIFIED and more ofzficilized and all, as well as her other social media platforms verified. Stay tuned. For the record, Instagram ‘mackrosman’ is now owned, updated & controlled by Mackenzie Rosman herself, can I get an AMEN!?!?! ??

Mackenzie Rosman hanging out with dog Hanky in April 2017

EXCLUSIVE: Mackenzie Rosman hung out with fellow former 7th Heaven co-stars Jessica Biel and Beverley Mitchell today (who you’ll know from playing Mackenzie’s on-screen sisters) and caught up with them today for lunch! It’s been a hot minute since the trio caught up with each other as the last time they all got together was for the launch and opening of Jessica Biel’s new restaurant in West Hollywood, called ‘Au’ Fudge’. It’s easy to know that the restaurant is going very well and has been widely successful, but anything Jess does or touches, is. So, low and behold ‘7th Heaven’ fans, as this following new candid photo will bring you all sorts of tv nostalgia your way…

Mackenzie Rosman, Jessica Biel and Beverley Mitchell hanging out on Wednesday, 8th February 2017.
It is always great to see the stars from the hit WB show hang out, and I’m loving always loving the reunion photos taken from their get-togethers. Whose with me? Whilst there is no definite plan or confirmation that 7th Heaven will ever come back… even as a tv movie, it is still a wish and hope in every 7th Heaven fans mind.

Mackenzie’s Weekend of Racing at Chuckwalla Valley, CA; Mackenzie Rosman had a pretty busy weekend just gone by. Mack took a little road trip out to Chuckwalla Valley Racing with her friends, where they spent some time on the racetrack. Taking their motorcycles, they had a nice little weekend away racing! Photos from the weekend trip will be added up in the photo gallery. Be sure to check those out very soon! I will also post them up onto the Facebook page so everybody can see them. In other news, Mackenzie has been signing up to her next classes to study in the Winter. Very exciting times ahead!
Another new update? Yes! I am now back at it, and back to updating regularly. I know how much you guys missed the continual updates and seeing all of the new photos of what Mack’s been up to, so everything is back! I will be updating all the social media channels on a regular basis as well, yippee!!

Hi Guys, I’m Back! And I’m Posting a Bunch of Photos; First of all, I just want to say Happy Anniversary to this website, it has been 16 years! Wow! How to think its actually been THAT long! Wow! I love doing this website for all of you and what better time to come back to regular updates and info again! Hi there fans! I’m officially back and posting on here again! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA! As I mentioned in the earlier post, I became super busy and then we had some slight access issues to the Facebook page but everything is fixed now abd I have so much to update you all on! To start off, I have posted a few new candid photos into the photo gallery and will be adding even more over the next few days!
Loads of News from actress Mackenzie Rosman; Firstly, lets talk about what Mack’a been up to. Mackenzie recently conpleted a whole 24hr mini-bike endurance race on a rotating team with her friends. Riding is something that Mack loves to do and started racing about a year ago now. I will have more on that news in the next update, including some photos to share too. Around the beginning to middle of this year, Mack filmed two short films! One is titled ‘Ankh’ and the other one is titled ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’, both of which Mackenzie plays the leas role in. I will include some cool screen stills from both of them in my additions to the gallery this weekend and add up a brand new post update showcasing them!
New Ideas For the Website Here & the Twitter; On the Twitter account during the week, I asked all the followers what they would like to see more of on the website, a lot of fans said that they would love to see more photos, career news, and any information on what Mackenzie Rosman has been up to outside of her career as well. So with that in mind, I will continue regular posting with those requests as my focus and I look forward to posting again just like before. 🙂 As promised on the Facebook page, here is this weekends update as the first part update for November 2016. And guys, I’m actually currently updating via using my iPhone 6, I must say its very different updating when only using a smart phone, its making the screen so small! Haha.
Anyhow, I hope you have all enjoyed this new post and look forward to the next ones to come in the very near future! For now, check out the new previews to the latest added photos below. As you can see, I’m using a brand new preview template for the newly added photos, I love it! These are bigger than the okd ones which I think you guys will love! 🙂 I’m also contemplating whether to go back to the audio podcasts of the update for those of you that liked listening to the updates in audio form more than reading the font here or I was thinking of maybe filming actual video updates, its a much more personal level and I just think you guys will probably love that a lot better?!? Let me know in the comment section up above at the top of this post. Love you guys! And Happy Thanksgiving everybody! X

Hi guys! I just wanted to quickly update and say thank you for all your wonderful feedback and answers on Twitter! The results are in and a lot of fans voted for photos, news and info on what Mackenzie Rosman is up to outside of her acting career. I just want to say thank you for your ideas, I will definitely continue updating with those in mind.
GREAT NEWS: I will be updating this weekend with brand new and exclusive photos, including news on Mackenzie’s new short films, screen stills from the films and what Mackenzie has been up to recently. Mackenzie recently completed a 24hr Endurance Race on a mini-motorcycle which is pretty impressive! Way to go, Mack! 🙂
Keep your eyes on the website guys, lots of updates to be made this weekend!

New Candid Photos Have Been Posted Up; I am back from MIA and I have TONS of things to update on. First of all, I have heaps of new candid photos to post in the websites photo galleria, some have already been posted up, but thats not all, there is some very exciting news on Mackenzie Rosman… Mack has two BRAND NEW film projects that she recently worked on. I cannot wait to tell you all about those! But firstly, lets talk about the new candids. I have added a group of new candid photos into the website’s photo galleria, I’ll be adding a few more in this weekend as well. The candids cover various occasions and activities. Mack recently completed a 24hr motorbike endurance race and I’ll be including photos from that in the next gallery additions.
I recently asked fans what they would like to see more of on here and on the Twitter, the results are in and a lot of fans said they love seeing photos, news and what Mackenzie is up to outside of her acting career. I will definitely be updating more with those topics in mind and include more photos. Thank you to all of the wonderful fans on the Twitter that responded with their answers and ideas.
I will be updating the website this coming weekend with some news, and brand new photos. Thank you to everybody that has been so supportive all this time and I thank you for your patience in waiting for your soecial autographs. 🙂 I look forward to updating this weekend and I hope you love the new photos!