Filed Under: Mackenzie Rosman
New Candid Photos Have Been Posted Up; I am back from MIA and I have TONS of things to update on. First of all, I have heaps of new candid photos to post in the websites photo galleria, some have already been posted up, but thats not all, there is some very exciting news on Mackenzie Rosman… Mack has two BRAND NEW film projects that she recently worked on. I cannot wait to tell you all about those! But firstly, lets talk about the new candids. I have added a group of new candid photos into the website’s photo galleria, I’ll be adding a few more in this weekend as well. The candids cover various occasions and activities. Mack recently completed a 24hr motorbike endurance race and I’ll be including photos from that in the next gallery additions.
I recently asked fans what they would like to see more of on here and on the Twitter, the results are in and a lot of fans said they love seeing photos, news and what Mackenzie is up to outside of her acting career. I will definitely be updating more with those topics in mind and include more photos. Thank you to all of the wonderful fans on the Twitter that responded with their answers and ideas.
I will be updating the website this coming weekend with some news, and brand new photos. Thank you to everybody that has been so supportive all this time and I thank you for your patience in waiting for your soecial autographs. π I look forward to updating this weekend and I hope you love the new photos!
One Response
June 29th, 2016 at 6:44 am
You’re just so beautiful. I could just see you in a show like Game Of Thrones or previously in something along the genre-lines of Breaking Bad. I think you would be great in the new Star Wars series too. Whatever the case, I hope to see more of you in anything, soon! Good luck babe.