Filed Under: Films • Official Twitter
Mack’s REAL TWITTER Officially Announced Here: after a lot of very fake profiles and posers making fake accounts under Mack’s name, Mack decided to create her own REAL Twitter for fans to follow, helping to save them the hassle of the fake ones. It is also an opportunity for Mack fans to keep up to date with what Mack’s up to at the time. I officially announce a real genuine Twitter profile from Mack and you can find it here:!/Mack_Rosman – Be sure to follow that particular account. I really urge all fans to un-follow any other accounts/profiles on Twitter that have been appearing to be Mack. It is really important for fans not to feed any of the fakers or poser’s issue, therefore if you’re already following them on Twitter, it is time to un-follow them. And instead, start following the REAL Twitter. It’s simple, if you’re already on Twitter, Mack’s real profile on there is: @Mack_Rosman. Now all fans can enjoy following the real Mack! All other profiles on Twitter of her, are all fake. In other news; Mack recently announced in her Starry Mag interview, that she is about to start shooting a new film, unfortunately we cannot announce any information on that just yet, but we should be able to very soon & we’ll have all the details you will want! Look forward to that! Onto the fans; a lot of new fans have joined the fanlistings, both for Mack’s 7th Heaven character Ruthie’s listing & Mackenzie’s listing. If you haven’t joined yet & you are a fan, make sure you join, it’s free. Onto the new photo’s; a couple of new photo’s have been added up into the photo galleria, including a brand new candid of Mack at LA’s Fangoria Weekend of Horrors as part of a on-stage panel with the cast of ‘Fading of the Cries’. The photo was taken back in April 2009. There are other pictures added too. I will be updating again soon with more news on the upcoming film project & new photo’s once again, if you have Twitter, enjoy following the REAL Mack Twitter account. I’ll leave you with thumbnail previews to the latest added photo’s, including the new Fangoria candid…