Filed Under: Mackenzie Rosman
The Besty.Com Feature; You guys will remember that I spoke about a special feature that our very own favorite actress Mackenzie Rosman was going to be a part of, for TheBesty.Com. It happened! Mackenzie Rosman jotted down her top restaurants and eateries that she enjoys dining at. Mack also included tips and selections from the menu that she thinks diners should try. TheBesty.Com is an app that allows people to download and search for their favorite cuisines and list their favorite dining places. It also shows what some celebrities favorite places to eat are! Mackenzie jotted her fave list down two weeks ago and we’re now just waiting for the feature to be published on website. When it is, we’ll link it up here for you guys to see!
Plenty Of New Photo Additions To The Galleria; As always, multiple photographs have been added up into the website’s photo galleria, be sure to check them all out! They include random candids of Mackenzie’s favorite cheeses, a practically finished plate of delicious grilled Calamari from one of Mackenzie’s favorite restaurants called Taverna Tony’s in Malibu, CA. There is also a random candid Mackenzie Rosman took of a man dressed up as Batman and Mackenzie instagrammed the image and captioned it with ‘Life In Hollywood‘. There is also a cool personal portrait of Mackenzie hanging out with her friend Ryan, while they celebrated St Patrick’s Day in March 2015. Be sure to head on over there and check out all of the latest images. I have a few more exclusive photos that I will be adding up shortly to go along with the next updates, that includes part one and two for March 2015, so keep an eye out for those, including the feature on, if it is ready by then.
Some Very Exciting News, Coming To The Website; I have some pretty exciting news coming to the website very soon! It includes a new interview with our own very favorite actress Mackenzie Rosman! It has been a while since Mack did a sit-down interview with anybody, media or otherwise, so it is good that fans will get the opportunity to catch up with Mack and what she has been up to! That is definitely coming to the website very soon. If you remember, you’ll know that fans submitted their own questions to Mackenzie Rosman to answer and I listed them all down including the fan’s name, and had given it to Mackenzie Rosman to do. Just two weeks ago, Mackenzie sat down and started jotting down her answers and I can confirm there will be an audio interview with Mackenzie Rosman up here, at the website, very soon! Be on the look out for that. Of course, I will be updating with the progress of that exciting news and will be updating the website with it in a very big update posting! For now, let’s be patient and wait it out. In the next update on the website, I’ll be talking about autographs and what is happening with all of that. For now, that is all the news, check out the latest added photos to the galleria by the preview thumbnails below and enjoy the latest audio podcast…