Filed Under: Mackenzie Rosman
Mackenzie Rosman’s SoulCycle Ride; Mackenzie recently got loads of exercise by going on a SoulCycle bike trip. With her great friend Alyssa leading the group, Mackenzie Rosman and a number of their friends formed a large group and cycled their way among to music. SoulCycle is becoming a very popular fitness activity and many fitness centres are starting to operate the fun activity. There was a number of candid photos taken on the day of exercise, before and after the cycle ride. It’s great to see they all enjoyed it although the next day they were pretty sore. You can check out the photos from it in the photo galleria. Well done to Mack for getting through the few-hour cycle , and to everybody else that participated in it!
New Photos Added Into The Photo Galleria; Loads of new candids have been added up into the websites photo galleria, be sure to check them out by going here. There are new photos from Mackenzie Rosman’s recent SoulCycle trip, one cool reflection photo of Mackenzie Rosman on her lovely horse and a couple of other everyday candids that Mack took during her recent days. I know the fans love seeing new photos, so be sure to head on over to the photo galleria and check them all out. I’ll be posting a couple of latest candid photos to the albums this weekend as well, be on the look-out for those! Are you all enjoying the new layout up at the photo galleria? I am and I’m still contemplating working on a brand new site layout at the beginning of next year, so that will be exciting! I thought it was about time the layout here got a revamp.
Mackenzie Rosman’s Official Facebook and Twitter; By now a lot of fans should know which is Mackenzie Rosman’s official Facebook and Twitter account but recently I had some fans on Twitter asking which is her accounts. I’ll post them below for you. There is one Facebook and two Twitters. To go to Mackenzie Rosman’s Official Facebook page, go to: Official Mackenzie Rosman Facebook, for news and the official website Twitter you can go to: Official Site Twitter and last but not least, for Mackenzie’s own personal Twitter (it’s the ONLY REAL one, all others are fake), you can go to: Mackenzie’s Twitter. I hope that helps the fans. In todays world there is way too many fake profiles and accounts on social media and its imperatively important that fans of artists, actors, etc are aware of what the real accounts are belonging to those they admire. Fake ones can say anything they like and unfortunately some fans would think it really is them. So please fans, follow the correct accounts only. Hopefully one day soon Twitter and Facebook crunch down on the impersonation of celebrities.
Fans Requesting Autographs; For the most part of this year, I’ve been inundated with stacks of fans requests for autographs. It began when I held a competition for the fans back in 2012, after the competition there was a few spares that I sent out to lucky fans and Mackenzie Rosman also signed a large bunch in addition to the ones before, all of those had been sent out. However, this year there has been a need to get more head shots printed and for Mack to be able to find the time to sit down to sign and personalise them (as per the fans request), the amount of requests sent in weren’t just a few but rather a whole lot and we’re heavily backlogged. Due to that there has been delays and despite that, I was still taking in some requests but that will stop today as we need to get through the queue we have now, before taking anymore in. This is a free service for fans in which Mack and I take out of our own time. So I hope fans understand. I am sure fans can and will understand this. I will be more than happy to start taking more requests but only after the current orders are processed. To those fans who had sent in requests this year and were listed, I’ll be in contact with you when your autograph is mailed out, we have not forgotten you. Thank you for understanding.
Thats A Wrap For Now; That is all the current news at this stage, I’ll be posting again next week for the first part of December’s updates. I hope you all have a great weekend ahead and look forward to Christmas. Now I’ll leave you with the preview thumbnails to the latest added candid photos including Mackenzie Rosman’s SoulCycle exercise activity, Mackenzie on her lovely horse and some other everyday candids. I’ll also leave you with the latest audio podcast recording for part two of November 2014, enjoy…