Filed Under: Ghost Shark • Photos
Fans; more groups of personally signed autographs are continually being sent out to fans that had requested them before November 30. However, as of now, we’re not accepting anymore requests for autographs until after Christmas. We will take in requests but they won’t be processed until after the 25th of December. Emails are being sent out to the fans when theirs is mailed out, it’s to let them know when they can expect to receive it. We thank every fan for their support, understanding and dedication to Mack! We will be launching some exciting website news soon, including a brand new theme & layout at the photo galleria.
Animated Gifs; lately I have created many different animated gifs from Mack’s movie ‘GHOST SHARK’. I’ve posted them below so you can see them. I’ll be making plenty more from all of Mack’s other films as well, so keep an eye out for those, coming in the next few updates. Animated gifs are fun, interactive and show motion from scenes of clips. I will be using them a lot more in future updates for the website. I’ll now show you the four that I created from ‘GHOST SHARK’, here they’re…

Videos & Pictures; new candid photos have been added into the photo galleria, be sure to check them out. I also made more videos from ‘GHOST SHARK, they’re posted up in our new MackRosmanNet Youtube Channel! Be sure to watch them all and SUBSCRIBE to the channel! Here is a video I made from ‘GHOST SHARK’…
I will be posting another new update very soon! The next will include more animation, new candid photos and info on what Mack’s been up to lately. To the fans who would like a personally signed autograph, please remember that we’re not sending out anymore until after Christmas. For now; I’ll leave you with the thumbnails I created with the ‘GHOST SHARK’ animated gifs inside them…